Tuesday, October 12, 2010


It's about time that I update you all on last week's adventure! We returned on Sunday night from a spectacular 5-day trip to Barcelona and back. I visited some of the most fascinating places in Barcelona, as well as on our way to and from Spain. Some of my weekend's highlights: Carcassone, seeing the Mediterranean for the first time, Gaudi Park, the view from the terrace of The Gaudi Museum, Temple de La Segrada Familia, a private tour of Barcelona's Gothic quarters given by Dr. Woods (my history professor) who studied in Spain at one point, The Picasso Museum, Flemenco dancing,a paella and flan dinner with Kerstin, lunch in Salvador Dali's hometown (he could have sat exactly where I did for all we know), The Salvador Dali museum, and much more! Here are some of my favorite pictures:

I was told that Carcassone is the largest medieval fort still standing in Europe (and therefore the world because there are no medieval forts outside of Europe). Carcassone dates back to Roman times but played an especially large role in the Albigensian Crusades when Northern France declared war against the southern Catholics and Cathars. (Being there, I sort of chose to forget about all the fighting that happened and instead focused on taking pictures of where I thought the knights and princesses would have spent time together).

A view of Gaudi Park.

Proof I was in Spain! I'm sitting on the edge of the mosaic wall at Gaudi Park that outlooks the city.

From the terrace of The Gaudi Museum. This was such a difficult place for me to photograph because the architecture was unlike anything I had ever seen before. Incredible, nonetheless.

The Birth Scene facade of La Segreda Familia. This cathedral has been under construction for over the past 100 years, but is supposed to be finished within 15. Pope Benny is coming Nov. 7th to dedicate the church, but I want to come back to see it when it's all done.

The inside of this cathedral was by far cooler than anything else I've ever seen-ever.

A Gaudi depiction of the Crucifixtion lies at the end opposite of His birth.

The real deal.

My Spanish flan...what other kind of flan is there?

Finally, follow this link to see an all too short clip of what I saw after walking out of a Catalyn Mass at the medieval Spanish cathedral!

Overall, the trip turned out to be overwhelmingly wonderful. I found Barcelona to be such a vibrant and photographic city; one that I would gladly return to in order to better explore the many parts that I was unable to make it to in the three short days we were there. You're more than welcome to come with the next time I go!

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