Sunday, November 14, 2010

Hot Dog Day

Nearly every day my Poppy was alive, he would have two sandwiches for lunch, each filled with his home-grown tomatoes, lettuce, mayonaise--all sprinkled with a touch of salt and a dash of pepper. This ordinary week-day lunch would only change on Sundays, when my grandmother would warm up hot dogs after church. Thus, Sundays were named: "Hot Dog Day."

Even after my Poppy died, the tradition of Hot Dog Day was carried on for a good while. Simple, great with mustard and a doughy Martin's potato roll...who doesn't like themselves a good wiener?

Well I returned this morning from church (rather hungry, indeed) to find that Bernard, our incredible chef here in Ambialet, made hot dogs for lunch! It was surely the most gourmet Hot Dog Day I've ever experienced (complete with croissant-like buns, mushroom salad, and cauliflower baked with cheese), and the most exciting meal I've had in Ambialet. A little wink from up above!

You made my day, Bernard!

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