Saturday, November 27, 2010


Today the group journeyed to Lourdes, France, the place where our Blessed Mother appeared to a young Bernadette on 18 separate occasions. It is said that at the time in which the apparitions occurred, the church officials didn't believe Bernadette. It was not until she told her parish priest that she had heard the woman talking to her say that she was the Immaculate Conception--an explanation that such a young girl who had not yet finished her catechism would be able to give--that her story was believed.

At the spot in which Mary appeared to Bernadette came forth a spring whose water has been known to have cured thousands of people. Millions continue to visit Lourdes each year to offer their intentions at the grotto and find healing in the baths.

Wanting to take part in this, I mustered up the courage to bathe in the [frigid] Lourdes water today and found it to be surprisingly rejuvenating. While I have no serious ailment for which I needed to ask healing for, the bath was undeniably a breathtaking experience that I will always remember.

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